Thursday, June 16, 2011

Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Tutorial {Part 1}

Okay we are going to start off with the red one...:) The color is Annie Sloan's Emperor's Silk...I love this red with the dark wax or without...without the dark wax, it would be a brighter red...You would just wax it with clear wax...

The first tip that Michelle @ Wonderfaux Studios gave us may surprise you...The older your AS chalk paint the thicker it will be...the thicker it is...the more it will look like the red and the cream practice boards, the cream was very thick, look at the cream practice board here....It is okay to leave your lids loose, ladies (and gentlemen), because the air will thicken it up...If you don't like that look, by all means close them tight...But this is good for us lazy painters...Michelle said this is girl's I loved that...Because there is no failing with this stuff!

And I can finally look at Mr. Screaming Meme and say ..."You are wrong! I know what I am doing here..." Yay! lol He is an expert at so much, especially when it has to do with painting and construction...but I am patiently waiting for him to say in a deep, concerned voice..."You need to close that paint can properly, Meme"...and I will just refer him to this post...As Charlie Sheen would say..."I'm winning!" lol Annie Sloan, you are a genius and I HEART you for making girly girl paint! ;)

I suggest that you paint the pieces you want perfect when you first get your can of paint and then you paint the pieces you want a little more rustic or layered (like the cream I showed you) later...Or if you only want the rustic the can and loosely close it for a week or so and will be set! You can always add water to thin it out, as well...So, no worries...

Okay, here is the red practice board I did...You want to literally paint heavily and thickly with your brush...see how thick I painted here? {Tip the red has a lot more pigment and will need a longer drying time...}

Once it is dry you can add your wax...I suggest that you go over it with clear wax first and then brush the dark wax on...(remember little goes along way) To make sure to get the look I showed on Monday you need to use the dark wax with brush strokes across the piece...highlighting the raised molding and designs of your piece...and then adding the dark wax were you think it will look best...You are the artist here...One of my classmates took a tool and gouged the practice I did it too...and once you go over it with the dark wax, it will darken that area...You can always let your piece dry, sand it down and start again...No failing, Just WINNING! ;) Yay!

Once you are done, you can buff it when the wax is not tacky anymore...And that is where the magic happens...

I will be posting more how to's that I learned...but I promise taking a class from Michelle or someone who knows the tips and the way to go!

Xoxo, Meme


Made In The South said...

Love red!

BluBabesCreate said...

Thanks for the tips! Come see a dress shirt skirt!

Decor To Adore said...

Oh man I would love to take a class. Mr. Decor is so knowledgeble top and I would like to "win" just once. :)

Rhonda @ The Yellow Brick Road said...

I love All Chalk Paint! LOVE!

Thanks for more tips and information! I cannot get enough!

Jan Teeler said...

Thank you so much for sharing your tips! Much appreciated!

Ann Marie @ Twice Lovely said...

I'm having such a rough time with the Emperor's Silk! I love the color, but am having a really hard time with the coverage. I'm painting a small dresser and am not even done and have used half the pot! It's pretty much taking 3 heavy coats. I'm wishing I would have primed it with gray first.